9 Easy Tips to Find Stability in Standing Balance Poses

9 Easy Tips to Find Stability in Standing Balance Poses

Tree, Eagle, Warrior Three, Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe, Lord of the Dance, Half Moon and Bird of Paradise pose are just a few of many standing balance poses that challenge our focus, stability and strength. This class of poses demands our undivided attention and awareness, but offers an array of amazing benefits including reducing anxiety, building strength…

5 Ways to Truly Surrender in Savasana

5 Ways to Truly Surrender in Savasana

Read on for some tips on how to practice “corpse” pose! The benefits of Savasana, or corpse pose, are endless: it allows your nervous system to balance out and calms your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your body’s “fight or flight” response); encourages your heart rate, blood flow and breath to normalize; helps to prevent…