9 Easy Tips to Find Stability in Standing Balance Poses

9 Easy Tips to Find Stability in Standing Balance Poses

Tree, Eagle, Warrior Three, Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe, Lord of the Dance, Half Moon and Bird of Paradise pose are just a few of many standing balance poses that challenge our focus, stability and strength. This class of poses demands our undivided attention and awareness, but offers an array of amazing benefits including reducing anxiety, building strength…

7 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka

7 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka

Experience what this tropical island has to offer and immerse yourself in a Yoga holiday in Sri Lanka. Picture yourself practicing Yoga with like-minded yoga lovers, the wind in your hair and the beach just a few steps away. Traveling and taking part in a Yoga retreat is a wonderful way to fill your cup…

10 Underrated Yoga Poses to Incorporate Into Your Practice

10 Underrated Yoga Poses to Incorporate Into Your Practice

Embrace some of the “simple” asanas and find out more about their benefits There are “go-to” poses that we love to practice (I love you, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana!) and find their way into our practice frequently, and others that fall by the wayside. This can be due to a number of reasons: they may be difficult…